Okay so, I’m a couple of days late but, Halloween inspired smut where Micheal Myers is stalking a babysitter and has the strangest urge to put something other than a knife in her? (I am so very awful and I apologies.)

Never too late for any sort of smut. It’s a cute concept, sort of a porn version of Halloween! I can see the terror leading to something else as she realizes her tiny see through attire is making him swell in very unique ways. Seems he’s supernaturally endowed too, and suddenly she’s being impaled in a very different way. Yes!

If you’re in the US…

Please remember to get out and vote on Tuesday. No matter what. Don’t give those fuckers in DC any more of a foothold. Let’s pull the carpet out of the orange Cheetoh who can’t even recognize a person as a person and keeps getting worse and worse and worse. I’m checking every Democrat box I can find on Tuesday. It adds up – every Democrat in any office means the electoral college weakens for Republican asshats and then OUT HIS FUCKING ASS GOES.

Might even put my name down for some of them that are blank, lol.



Olivia was clearly more embarrassed than her father was. “I know, but…” She trailed off as he invited her in. She slowly made her way into the bathroom and kept her hands over her eyes. “I saw one on my friends phone once…” She squeaked and peaked through her fingers. “Touch it? Touch it how?” She was definitely considered an amateur when it came to sex. She knew the bare minimum and that was because everything she learned was from sex ed. Her friends avoided the topic with her because they knew she wasnt as experienced.

“You’ve seen one on a friend’s phone? No one is sending you dick pics?” he chuckled. “That’s a shame, someone as beautiful as you should be flooded with them.” He guided her hands down away from her face, then brought her palm to wrap around his thick shaft. “There you go. I can help teach you more than you learned in school, baby girl.” He started to guide her moving her hand back and forth. He throbbed in her palm. “There you go… guys like that a lot… feel it swelling and throbbing? That’s because of you.” 


🌹 closed to : @titvnics (either roman, elliot, derek or blaise!!!!)
🌹 muse : felicity ford / 19 / carlson young fc
🌹 plot :“ i want a plot where a guy goes on a roadtrip just wandering around the state trying to find meaning of life with his big ass doggo and one day he comes to diner where this shy young woman works and like her boss is always yelling at her and she has abusive boyfriend and her father used to be abusive as well and this guy he is the first man who ever treated her nicely and he just asks her completely out of the blue if she doesn’t want to leave with him and she’s like “why not?” so she takes all of her things and leaves with him. pleaseee!“

she should have been used to this by now. after all, she had spent her entire life being yelled at by men. it started with her father, a drug dealer from the trailer parks, constantly expecting her to pick up his slack. and then, when she met a guy that took her away from him, he did the same thing. and it wasn’t like she could escape it at work, either. because her boss seemed to think that she did every little thing wrong. but she bit her tongue as he shouted at her to move faster, because she needed this job more than anything. her jaw was clenched as she approached a man at his booth, forcing a tight lipped smile as she took out her notepad. “ready to order, sir? i’m so sorry for the delay, we’re really under staffed tonight.”

Slowly eyes rose to the girl. He’d heard the yelling from the back and then she showed up – looking more than a little frazzled afterwards. It wasn’t cool. And It always got under Matt’s skin to see something like that happening. Girls were pretty, soft, strong, sure… but still deserved to be protected and looked after. And this one… she was beautiful, far too good looking to just be a waitress but he didn’t know her story, so it was hard to say. “It’s okay,” the man said, voice low and soft. “I’m in the mood for some breakfast, I think… how about… the three egg special, sausage and hashed browns?” He looked up to the girl. “And coffee, please… been on the road a while…”


SUGGESTED  CONNECTIONS:  (step)  father  or  (step)  brother  –  please.

   —   “  i  miss  you  too,  mom,  ”  she  said  with  a  smile,  holding  the  phone  to  her  ear  as  she  worked  on  her  english  lit  assignment.  “  no,  i  didn’t  really  have  a  plan  for  tonight  ~  i’m  just  doing  some  homework,  ”  siobhan  stopped  typing  on  the  keyboard  as  she  felt  a  presence  behind  her  followed  by  a  pair  of  strong  hands  on  her  body  and  kisses  being  placed  on  her  neck.  she  let  out  a  shaky  breath,  losing  her  concentration.  “  what  ?  sorry,  mom,  i  didn’t  hear  you.  look,  i’m  sorry,  but  can  i  call  you  back  ?  i  really  should  focus  on  this  paper  ~  okay  …  i  love  you  too.  bye  !  ”  she  hung  up  the  one,  pouting.  “  asshole  …  ”

“Oh just shut up,” KJ said as he slid his hand down her back, pulling her shirt up in the rear. Fingers wanted her bare flesh and they were home alone, so her stepbrother didn’t need to hold back in his desires for her. “I’m sure you can still focus on your paper, instead…” He slid onto the bed right behind her, his thick muscled legs falling to her left and right, her now seated between his own. “Feel free to lay on your stomach and concentrate… I’ll occupy myself otherwise,” he whispered in her ear, hands moving along the blonde’s ribs and cupping her breasts through her shirt, kneading them. 

Halloween Night


Her smile slowly widened as he stared at her. His silence at first made her a little nervous, but she realized quickly that it was because she had made him speechless. And in a way she had made herself speechless by just doing this. But she looked down at herself a little, a subtle and light blush on her cheeks. When she first tried it on she looked surprised at how hot she looked, and she knew standing before him she did. The costume was thankfully a perfect fit and although not completely accurate it was pretty close. The bikini top made her boobs look amazing, and by having a thicker cloth around her for the bottom (and still nothing to cover her folds) it made her ass look more curved. She stared up at him, biting her lip slightly as she smiled shyly. When he finally seemed to find his breath and talk, she giggled.

“I thought you would like it,” she told him with a smile, gently walking over to him. She moved her hand along his shoulders, noticing how the front of his pants were already beginning to lift and make a tent. As his hand moved to it, she moved a hand down, letting her fingernails trail down his arm until they move to the front of his jeans as well. She tells him, looking up at him sweetly, “for us.” She gave him a smile and told him, “I’ll admit that I’ve….had a fantasy about this, and something told me that you had something like it too.” She gave him a smile moving up to kiss him. “Happy Halloween.” she giggled, slightly turned on by the fact that she could make him crazy like this.

He eyes drank in every inch of her pale flesh that she displayed thanks to the costume. She looked just amazing and for a geek like he was, this was extra hot for that reason. Licking his lips, he watched as she moved closer, noting the curve of her breasts in her top. The way her abs contracted as she walked. Her long, toned legs. “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as they kissed. He cupped the back of her head. “Thank you so much for doing this for me… it’s… sexy and nerdy and gorgeous…” He moved his hand, pleased to find Bron’s cupping his growing cock instead of his own. This allowed him also to explore her body more. Fingers traveled along her bare sides, enjoying how chill bumps grew on her skin. Cupping her tits through the top, John lifted and squeezed them, biting his lips as lust darkened his eyes. And finally he slipped his own hands down, cupping her ass. Gorgeous, curvy and bare. He squeezed and pressed another kiss to her lips, then touched her sex as well. 

“So tell me more of this… fantasy of yours, baby girl,” he hummed, hips rocking his denim covered package against her palm more. “I want to know all the dirty details to know what I get to do you tonight, this amazing Halloween. Our first together as a couple.”