
Background: Isabel Varela is a journalism student. FC: Lorenza Izzo

Bela fidgeted with the spine of her notebook as she walked. Her teeth closed on the side of her lip and she chewed lightly. She turned and looked around before changing directions. Bela had no idea how she had ended up getting so lost, but apparently, she had a talent for it. It had to be the third time she had gotten lost since she had moved to the city, and it was starting to make her think that moving was the wrong choice. She cursed softly under her breath in Spanish before turning again and walking right into someone. “Lo Siento! I’m so so sorry!” 

Eyes moved up from his phone that he was busy typing on. The man was the size of a house, over six feet tall and dressed impeccably. His hair was straight with slight curls on the ends and his free hand shot out to grip her shoulder – more to keep her from falling than anything else. “It’s quite all right,” Henry replied to her. “I was texting and walking, you think I’d know better from not doing this while driving,” he smiled. “Are you okay? Generally people don’t just ‘bounce’ off me like that.” He was solid muscle, so it was understandable. 

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